Tuesday 13 September 2011

Not all who wander are lost

I know I have heard that quote many times though I have no idea off the top of my head who said it. I'm pretty sure someone famous. Anyways.

My day today involved more wandering and discovering this incredible city! I took the tube in to central London and was able to find my school all by myself! I was proud of myself. I even spoke to someone in the building who told me where I need to go for orientation tomorrow. I then wandered around eating a sandwich from a little bakery (delicious) and down the street to the waterloo campus where registration will be next week. These here are the views from my walk to campus. It was actually quite sunny until I took these pictures. The clouds rolled in, it began to pour rain for about 20 minutes and then it was sunny again!

It will be really cool to see this every day, I hope I don't begin to take it for granted.
I am definitely excited to have orientation tomorrow and hope that I am able to find answers to all the questions I have, namely, WHAT CLASSES AM I TAKING?! It would also be nice to have a schedule for each term so I can begin to make travel plans.

After wandering some more through central London I decided to head back home and explore Greenwich! It really is SO, SO beautiful! There is a park that I imagine would take at LEAST one full day to walk through and around. Lots of trees and it stretches on for miles of green, green grass. I took some pictures from the top of the hill where the Royal Observatory is:

This here is where the Prime Meridian is! aka where time starts! Somewhere behind that wall anyways.....

That brought me to the end of my wandering. I really enjoyed the hours alone, lots of time for thinking and exploring at my own pace. I think all the walking is really doing me some good, it gets rid of all my restless energy and forces me to some small amount of exercise every day. 

Dinner time!

Love from London,
Xx Kristin

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