The first afternoon was a little difficult for Lisa because she was very jet lagged and I wouldn't let her go to sleep until at least 10pm. It was for her own good! No better way to beat jet lag than get right on track with a sleep schedule. So we wandered Greenwich Park exploring areas I had never seen before on my runs and enjoying the beautiful flowers that seem to be growing somewhat wildly throughout the area. The next day we did a lot of walking starting at St. Paul's Cathedral and then walking to the Tate Modern to look at some pretty art things and then continuing on through Waterloo (past my school), Covent Garden, Piccadilly Circus, Oxford Circus where we stopped for some drinks and then finally right back on home! It was a very long, exhausting and productive day.
Being back in London has also been fun and we of course have kept plenty busy. The weather has been surprisingly warm and we are taking advantage of that. I wore flip flops for the first time in MONTHS (literally) and it was the best feeling in the world! Perhaps not practical for all the walking we have been doing but it was nice to enjoy for a day.
Tonight we went on a really awesome tour that involved seeing "behind the scenes" London which most people wouldn't think of exploring. It was a tour that involved experiencing street art in the East end and it's fascinating how much of a separate culture it is. It's not just tagging walls with spray cans or putting ugly graffitti all over the city but it truly is art and I am no fascinated. Our tour guide was enthusiastic and part of the art scene which made the tour feel authentic as well. The artists have created beauty in a part of London which is otherwise worn down, gray, dirty and mostly forgotten about until the Olympics committee decided they needed to clean up the city and in turn told many of the artists they had to stop painting/drawing on/and changing the building. Funny because until recently no one could really be bothered to even help clean the city streets but now that big businesses want to move in and expand and the city wants to show off all of London a culture has to change how it looks to the world.
Anyways, we passed several of the artists while we were on our tour and everyone was friendly, probably because our tour guide seemed to know absolutely everyone we passed and talked to! It was funny and again, felt authentic.
This is all plaster chiseled out by hammer and nails |
One cool fact: one of the artists who paints around the East End actually has one of his paintings hanging in the white house! David Cameron and Obama always exchange gifts when they see each other and Samantha Cameron (David Cameron's wife) somehow knew of this man and his artwork and wanting to make her husband seem cool to the president of the United States she told him to give Obama a piece of his artwork and BAM! Now this artist is commissioned by people all over the country to do work on their buildings, bill boards, etc...
Another one of the artists, Connor Something-rather, draws soldiers so I of course liked him the most. Another artist draws large animals in cities all around the world and makes hundreds of thousands when his art goes in to galleries. I find it beautiful that even though some can make thousands and thousands by selling in galleries they still want to spend their free time making an old run down city more beautiful with all of the colors and art they bring to the walls of the city.
Our tour guide also filled us in on a lot of fun, historical and sometimes quirky facts about the city which I will relay to anyone who asks. At least to the best that I can remember! There is so much that I want to share with you all and write down for future memories but I am so tired and it all just isn't coming to me right now. Pictures will be up on facebook in the next week or so as soon as I have some more free time. As for now, it is bedtime.
OH! For anyone who is wondering about the theme song I posted at the top of this post it is our theme song because 1. it is catchy and fun and 2. it was played over and over again and in every place we went to in Spain! It's a portuguese song but apparently this summer it became very popular in Spain and it's just one of those songs that when it's played everyone, no matter what the environment you're in, gets excited and sings along. We've had a lot of fun attempting to learn the words and then again trying to translate because there is no direct translation no matter how many different translators we have used. But it's fun! So, enjoy!
Love from London (and Spain!)
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