Ever since my dad left I have been doing school related things non-stop. The term has officially ended for me meaning classes are over but paper writing must still be accomplished. Although my papers aren't due until the end of April I have lots of visitors coming and I just won't have time in April to work on them so my usual over-achieving self has managed to create a schedule for completing both my papers, including editing, before Lisa arrives on Thursday! After days of sitting inside Starbucks looking like this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I officially have rough drafts done of both essays, which is quite an accomplishment I think. Now I may have always been an overachiever with a game plan weeks ahead of schedule (to the annoyance of my college roommates ;) ) but that doesn't mean I didn't have plenty of finals week meltdowns, including one near heart attack scare after too many extra large redbulls (seriously). However, it is the bonding moments which happen during the stress of finals week which I truly do miss. Staying up until all hours of the morning, laughing, crying, and the general hysteria of the campus as the countdown to summer began. It's different this time around because I have no countdown to summer as unfortunately even after these two essays are turned in I have to then write the biggest paper I have ever written in my life. Bigger than any paper I will probably ever write again. 15,000 words on a topic of my choice which is exciting and terrifying all at once. I still need to pick a topic but for now I'm going to play the game of denial because I just don't feel like thinking about it right now! My dissertation tutor tried to talk to me about PhD's and I nearly burst out laughing in his office. I was pleased he considered my first 2 essays to be so well written that he felt he wanted to encourage me to pursue school even further buuuuut I just don't see that happening. My brain is fried. Moving on to more differences...
St. Patrick's Day in London.
Caitlin and I met up on Saturday to have a pint and a pie and it was lovely! Somehow I had still never had an English pie so I went with the "traditional" steak and ale with chips and veggies and it was DELICIOUS! I can't wait to have it again.
Today, however, was the big parade and festival in
Trafalgar Square and for weeks, since I first saw a
poster for it at the bus stop, I have been excited for
this parade. I love parades! Well let me tell you....this
was the farthest thing from a parade. It was a joke
and I don't know what everyone was so excited
about. The festival itself was neat and the Irish
Olympic Team was there speaking but the
parade...pathetic is the nicest word I have for it.
Imagine an hour of watching unorganized groups
walk with banners.
That was pretty much it. The most entertaining part
of the afternoon was this man who was quite
inebriated and pretending to Irish Dance in a non-
approved break of the parade. Security came up and forced his group to continue moving after just a few seconds. I'm not sure why as there was nothing else to watch but hey! it was good fun while it lasted hahaha oh and the best part? He was playing his music from an old walkman connected to a speaker. I'm telling you, this guy was great. On top of all that (or lack of all that) there was also no confetti and not even one piece of candy thrown into the crowds. I mean....WHAT?!?!?
Needless to say, I'll be happier next year back at Brennan's watching people get fined for pointing at turtle racing and drinking my green beer.

One awesome part of my week was the field trip my Youth Ministry class went on to a church in Reading that is dedicated specifically to working with young adults in the city. We got to sit down and talk with the pastor who started the church and hear about what motivated him to take on such a task and what keeps him going. He told us stories about a few of the young people he is currently working with and the ways he sees their lives changed and it was really motivational. I know now that I really do want to work with high school students. I'm not sure yet what I want to do, maybe teaching, maybe some type of religious education or campus ministry but I know that I want to work with teenagers. I'll have to think a bit more about it when things calm down but hey! it's a start. Anyways, the church itself was also very beautiful and if I was still a teenager I would definitely want to hang out here! Pool tables, fooseball tables, video games, exercise classes, and of course Bible Studies and personal one on one time with adults in the congregation who are all required to devote a certain amount of time to working with the young adults if they want to be a part of this church. It sounds harsh writing it like that I suppose but it's something that SO many people in Reading are excited to dedicate their life to and that was really cool to see!
Well, time to get a move on making some type of itinerary for Lisa's visit!!!
Love From London,