Over the past week and a half I have started 3 separate blog posts and haven't gotten around to finishing any of them. The first one made me too sad that my time at home was coming to an end. The second one I didn't have time to complete because my time at home WAS at the end (aka I was trying to procrastinate packing) and the third one...well I've just been jetlagged since I got back and busy, busy, busy already!
We Have Lots of Fun Together |
My time at home was absolutely incredible and just as I predicted would happen, I did not want to return to London after having the comforts of home, family, friends, my dogs, and just overall a great holiday season. I do LOVE London, don't get me wrong, it's a great city but now I have to get back to school and writing papers and constant frustration at public transportation. However, home was just the break I needed. I was able to see Javi for a total of 2 weeks which was WONDERFUL! We hiked Camelback, spent a few days in Flagstaff where we got to go sledding and enjoy leftover snow from whenever they're last snow fell haha and just relax with the fired while feeding our addiction to this great tv show called....DEXTER! I also got to spend lots of time with my most perfect, beautiful Godson, Aiden and for the first time since we've all been 21 my best friends and I were able to go out to the bars together! (Pictured in last blog update). I also got to go to taco Tuesday every week which is basically my favorite thing everrrrr to do haha. I LOVE TACOS! I couldn't have asked for a better break and although it was fast paced and flew by too quickly, it was just what I needed to get back on track for this next term.
From the Inside of Parliament |
Coming back to London this time was made a little easier by the fact that one of my closest friends from LMU came back with me! Justin Ramos, out and about in Europe for the first time! hahah it's been a blast!! We have been non-stop tourists the entire time we have been back and 3 days in, we finally crashed and slept for TWELVE hours. You heard right people, Kristin Michelle DiMarco slept for 12 hours unaided by tylenol pm. (ok fine, I took melatonin but that's a natural medicine!) The coolest things we have done so far is go to Westminster Abby including hearing the Evensong Prayer Service with the men and boys choir, INSIDE houses of parliament (I didn't even know you could do that!) and we saw the play Matilda! Now although I had been outside Westminster Abbey I had never ventured in, waiting for people to visit me who I would know would want to go in so I wouldn't have to pay twice. IT IS GORGEOUS. We spent over TWO hours slowly touring the church and listening to the audio tour tell us all the amazing history and controversy that has taken place in the abbey. Incredible. And the men and boys choir!!!!!!!!!!!! In the words of Katie Leight....HOLY. COW. Incredible. I don't know where they find such talent! The youngest boy could not have been older than 6 or 7 but man could he sing. I was beyond impressed and had chills the entire time. It was beautiful.
Got our Matilda Tickets |
And Matilda! wowowowowowowowowowow. London has talented children is what I learned from everything we did this day. These kids could really act!! It was funny and silly and also made me realize I need to read the book as it must have followed a different plot since it didn't match the movie. I should start at the beginning though. We found out that this theatre has a deal where the first 8 people who arrive in the morning get tickets for £5 if you're between the ages of 16-25. We tried to get the tickets two days ago but didn't get there until 930 and there were already 10-12 people ahead of us in line, the first people having gotten there at 700am!! crazy. so yesterday, we woke up at 6, left at 7 and got to the theatre by 8 where we ended up being the 3rd and 4th ppl in line! After waiting 2 hours for the theatre to open up we got our tickets! I then had to run to class and Justin hopped on a tour bus where it sounds like he had a VERY productive day and has also fallen in love with this city.
My first day back in classes went very well and I'm very excited! This first class is called Theology, Church, and Worship and is taught by Alister McGrath who is apparently a big deal in the religious community. He is very intelligent but engages the class well. Also, my class has 17 people in it this time around! My friend Chris and I are still the youngest by A LOT but at least we're in it together and I'm excited for all the diversity in the classroom again this term.
(photo taken by Justin) |
Justin and I have a lot of museum things and touristy things to hit up today so it's time to go get ready but I'll be back sooner this time, PROMISE. Blogging happens to be one of the few (ok only thing) I do that is productive while I procrastinate. And since I have so many avid followers waiting for me to post frequently I will continue to write as time allows.
Love from London,
yayy! glad you're back safely and were able to do some more touring :] love you Kristin!