Tuesday 24 January 2012

A Lasting Impact

I've had a really tough few days trying to stay my positive and upbeat self. Those of you who have seen me or talked to me have probably noticed very little difference in my usual peppy personality but on the inside my heart is aching. A wonderful, and very loved high school teacher passed away on Sunday and the tears and sadness seem to build up and bubble over when I least expect it. Let me explain to you why Coach Bemis was such an incredible man. He wasn't just a high school football coach, or your typical nerdy science teacher. He was a prankster, a jokester, and he made you work hard in class because you WANTED to, not because he was forcing you to. 

Coming to Notre Dame Prep in 2002 didn't just mean a new class of freshmen in a big, scary school. No, it meant we were the very FIRST class of kids to even be entering the school since it had become a high school. We were the guinea pigs. We voted on the school uniform, we tested out different class schedules every. single. semester. for 4 years, we gave feedback on clubs, sports, and food options in the cafeteria. And it was scary. I wasn't what people (ok high schoolers) defined as pretty, I sure as heck wasn't popular and the very first class I had was with...you guessed it, Coach Bemis where he starts the class off by warning you he yells. A LOT. Being one of only two girls in this 8am Biology class and having the entire football team sitting behind me, I wanted to run as far and as fast as I could. But Mr Bemis didn't play favorites with his team and he sure wasn't going to let them pick on me. He put a stop to that the first week of class and you know what? It lasted through four years of high school. I may have been teased and picked on but it was never by a member of the football team and you know why? Mr. Bemis is respected and loved and you wouldn't dare do something he told you not to do. 

You would however jump at any chance to do anything he asked. Feeling antsy in class? Mr Bemis had no problem sending you on a delivery which had to be done "quickly now! Run fast!" and usually ended with the person handing a blank note to a confused Spanish teacher, or some inside joke given to Mr Gibbons (who of course, always took time to reply on the spot). He put a farting machine in the class next door and it was 2 days before that teacher found it. He was not amused....but we sure were! 

And then of course there was updog. 

Mr Bemis- DiMarco! *slams yardstick on desk* Could you pass me some updog?
Me- huh?
Mr Bemis- the updog! in the back cabinet, can you get some?
Me- ummm huh?
Mr Bemis- DIMARCO! please. get. the updog.....now. 
Me- what's up dog?!
Mr Bemis- not much just trying to teach my class. hahahahhaha
And he'd burst out laughing. funny guy right there. 

Mr Bemis is kind, caring, motivational, devoted to his students, and in turn respected and loved by every single person who knows him. It breaks my heart to think that there will be students at NDP who don't have the honor of meeting him but I know they will feel as though they do. His memory will live on forever because he is such a special man. 

My thoughts and prayers are with the entire Bemis family during this tough time. As sad as I am the loss is felt a million times over by those who had that special place in his heart. He is one of a kind and I feel privileged to say I was able to know him, if only for a brief period of time. 

Dear Mr Bemis, 
Thank you for everything you've done for me, for our school, for this city...you've brought so many people together and that can never be taken away. Team Bemis will live on in your memory and you can bet that for many, many, MANY years to come your legacy will be passed on. I could never thank you enough. 

Love from London,

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