It is with a heavy heart I yet again update my blog. A son, a brother, a friend and A HERO has been lost to our lives this week. I think I am still in shock. Jason was a wonderful, young, funny, caring, and impossibly strong man who completed numerous tours overseas and would have done ANYTHING for his family and friends. He will always be remembered for his service to our country and for the love he shared with those around him. Jason was the guy who made sure everyone around him was having a good time and if you weren't? He made sure to turn that around. After hundreds of nights spent around the pool and fire pit in the Prostrollo's backyard I can account for several times he turned my frown upside down. He was a loving, courageous and wonderful man and he will be missed dearly by all. I leave you with a few things I will never forget about Jason:
He is the ONLY person in my life who has ever let me touch a gun. Not only touch a gun but MADE me learn to check if it was loaded, how to hold it, how to aim, and how to shoot (though we never got to the shooting part where the gun was actually loaded). I wish so badly we had not continuously pushed back our date with the shooting range. It won't be the same learning from someone who wasn't a special force sniper in the United States Marines.
You always knew he was listening if you were talking to him. He always had advice, even if it was just to let something go. Make sense? It did when he said it. He had a lot of insight on life and knew how to put something into perspective...that many years in the military and you learn to do that.
He knew how to make a drink. Not just pour alcohol and juice and whatever into a cup, no, seriously, he could perfect a drink so that you didn't know that you were even drinking alcohol. That may sound dangerous haha but for someone as picky as I am about tasting what I drink, it was great. And he knew the amount of ice cubes that were acceptable for certain glass sizes (or so he bragged about one night hahah). And best of all?!?! He knew how much I loved drinking with straws and made sure my cup always had one!
He liked to tease people. It was never harmful but it made you realize even more that he listened when you talked. He loved to make fun of me for going to CA for school and when I would send him pictures of the sunset to show him why he would let me know I could see the same sunset in Lake Havasu if it was water I wanted to watch the sun set over.
I could go on for ages but tears have blurred the screen and this much sadness can't be conveyed through the blogosphere
Love you, Jason!
My prayers are with you Bryan and Mr P.