I wanted to show you guys a few pictures of my new 'home' which is really just a room with a bed, bathroom, stove, fridge, closet. Essentially everything I need as I hardly spend ANY time at home anyways.
The shower makes me laugh thought. If you take a look there is no tub or even step into the shower. It is just a curtain to separate the toilet from the stream of water and it really was bizarre the first time I stepped into it. It will do however as my time here isn't going to be long.
I continue to spend most of my days in Starbucks trying to pound out this dissertation before I leave here. In some ways, I am grateful for the miserable weather because if it was sunny and warm outside like when Laura visited I would be beyond irritable at being stuck inside. Chris and I set up a reward system for ourselves so that after every 5000 words we complete we get a prize. We have both passed the first 5000 words now which is very exciting and will be treating ourselves to dinner and drinks tonight after we finish our work! More exciting for me, I have officially passed the halfway mark of completing this paper ending yesterday at exactly 7600 words! For those of you who know how OCD I am about numbers, this seemed to be the perfect sign to me that I should stop for the day and give myself a break to watch The Office.
Yup, I have started to watch again from Season 1 and I am loving it all over again as it continues to make me laugh out loud, break my heart, and at times wish I could work in a place like this all over again. Oh! I just noticed, if you look at the picture of my desk area you can see that I had an episode playing while I took these pictures hahaha
So that's the new place and it may not be big but it does have all the essentials and although I never thought I'd say this, I do actually like living alone. Not that I'd want to do it for long but it's nice that I don't have to live with dirty people who don't clean up after themselves or who make loud noises early in the morning or cook food that smells bad or.....alright. I'm going to stop there.
Love from London,
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