I know it was almost a week ago now and I'm just getting to posting about it but Thanksgiving in London was lovely! Although it took trips to 4 separate grocery stores to find all the ingredients we needed to make everything, Thanksgiving dinner went off without a hitch! We had everything we would have had at home! Turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, broccoli casserole, bread, cranberry sauce and pie! It was actually a lot of fun to celebrate such an American holiday here. I had class all day on Thursday and because I was going over to Caitlin's house after class to cook dinner I had to carry a glass pan and ingredients with me haha I must have been quite the scene walking around waterloo, Covent Garden, Oxford Street and then finally Kengsington with all my bags.

Upon arrival I was introduced to some new English friends of Caitlin's as well as meet up with friends I had not seen in a few weeks. We opened a bottle each of red and white wine, poured us each a glass and toasted to productive cooking! The turkey was in the oven, the casseroles just needed to be warmed up and the rest was ready to go. The hardest part of Thanksgiving to explain to our English friends was why we put marshmallows in our sweet potatoes. They just couldn't understand why it would be necessary to sweeten sweet potatoes anymore! After a (nearly) heated discussion they decided it was just a weird American tradition and let it go. I wouldn't trade that dish for anything, make fun all you want!

In the end I finished three HUGE plates of food and didn't even have room for pie. Sad day but I guess that means at Christmas dinner I'll have to have extra dessert. Anyways, this plate I have here on the left doesn't even begin to tell how much I piled on that plate. Don't tell anyone but I definitely had to undo the button on my jeans after finishing the third plate. As I was getting ready to leave a while later it was still quite painful to button them up again but I figured no one on the tube needed to see me being such a slob after having stuffed my face for over an hour.
Thank you Caitlin and friends for helping us celebrate one of my favorite holidays! (because it involves food of course!)
Love from London,
SO happy you appreciate Thanksgiving as much as I do! :)